Venom CoLab
Venom CoLab
Venom CoLab
Venom CoLab
Venom CoLab
Venom CoLab

Venom CoLab

Regular price$14.99

Coming Soon!

VenomCoLab is an inquiry-based, collaborative science experience for 6th-9th grade students aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Over 5 class periods, students take on roles as scientists and work together to study venom. Each group of students studies a venomous organism to find peptides or proteins from venom as potential treatment for health issues: marine snails/pain, snakes/clotting, sea anemones/autoimmune disease, or scorpions/cancer. Click on the organism button above to learn more about the challenge each organism's venom addresses!

Students serve in one of four scientist roles: Zoologist, Biochemist, Molecular Biologist, and Pharmacologist. Each role performs distinct tasks using personalized websites and augmented reality or webVR on a computer or tablet before bringing their findings to a collaborative lab meeting where students work together toward their goal of developing a new medicine.

The Zoologist focuses on the anatomy, predators and prey, and key effects of venom for 2 different species of organism

The Biochemist focuses on techniques to separate molecules in venom

The Molecular Biologist focuses on binding molecules to cell receptors

The Pharmacologist investigates the molecular mechanisms behind each health issue

After purchasing seats, teachers are able to select the roles for each student and the organism for each group.


At the end of VenomCoLab, students who demonstrate understanding can:

  • Connect venomous organisms’ structural anatomy to functions for hunting and defense
  • Compare different types of venom and effects on prey
  • Describe the components of venom and effects on prey
  • Describe the structures and functions of anatomy involved in human health issues
  • Apply their knowledge of venom and human health issues to construct hypotheses
  • Construct an argument supported by empirical evidence and scientific reasoning
  • Design experimental studies
  • Use simulated lab equipment to conduct studies and test hypotheses
  • Draw conclusions from their studies about promising treatments for human health issues

Put your students in the roles of scientists developing medicine from venom!