Killer Snails at the Institute of Peace
Killer Snails was thrilled to be invited to present at the 2019 Mobiles for Education Alliance Symposium held at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington DC. We met with ministers of education from countries all around the world and showed them our BioDive product!
The conference included representatives from 42 countries and the major topic was exploring what digital literacy means for children. Our lives are intricately engaged with digital media from farmers using phones to track weather, to small business owners finding new markets. Digital literacy plays a crucial role in helping countries move on the path to self support.
Another theme was innovation and partnership. As Julie Cram, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and Environment of USAID and founding member of the steering mEducation Alliance Symposium said, “Innovation is making the impossible possible and the unsolvable, solvable and nowhere is this more apparent then when technology is helping us.” Low cost technology can support learning and mobile technology can play an important role in learning outcomes. It can enhance training of teachers, improve the delivery of lessons, and enable data collection that can improve policy decisions.
Killer Snails presented a demonstration and talk entitled “Using Mobile Phones VR to Create Scientists.” After watching the demonstration, we are now in talks to disseminate BioDive through Peace Corps in South America and in several states within Nigeria!